akhirnya gw replace laptop lama gw dgn MSI Wind. berawal dari baca2 review asus EEE (which is crappy, based on some trusted reviews) yg kemudian malah berbelok arah menjadi bongkar semua review tentang competitornya, MSI Wind.
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ketika Asus EEE seri pertama launch, i was just like, “stupid. what would u expect from a 7 inch screen?” saat itu, gw emang lagi pgn beli laptop, dan meng-idam2kan laptop imut. but surely not a 7″ one 😉 berhubung budget yg minim + kebutuhan mendesak akhirnya gw ambil acer standard dual core 14″. it doesn’t have a macbook-shiny look but it works. fast GUI, nice screen, nice keyboard and really worth for the money.
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