
kmaren adalah hari yg aneh.. we both, me and robin had all our plans failed! pagi2 gw kpngen balikin cd ke rental, gagal coz rombongan sodara dateng from surabaya. siang2 gagal ambil laundry gw. malem2 ke centro en u know.. it’s dark. no “las vegas” light as usual. parking lot was quiet. police everywhere. wow. is there any BOMB 8-X again..?

too lazy to ask hundred panic-face people on the street. just a rumor: genset kebakar… so, we go to steak kaki lima. eat desperately. marco melandri the playboy join us at 10. should be fun, huh..? but very sad truly…


just had a strange conversation with a work-mate. 3 month i’m here and we never talk before. she’s gonna resign due to her marriage. she borrow my computer while she talked to herself. talk bout life. bout marriage. bout everything. strange.


screen fade in. batman in front of his computer. confuse. 3 proyek blon deadline tepat hari ini. blon ada yg kelar. tugas dari bos ada 2. juga blon kelar. bingung…


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