
depresi berat neh… all the things… thinkin’ it right, and do it wrong..

semua tanpa sebab yg jelas.. gw sndiri ga tau gw knapa. and that’s
made everything worse. loe stress tapi elo ga tau sebabnya apa. kalo tau
sebabnya, at least you could start building the

i just thougt that i’ve lost
. people saw me as a man with a lot of fun, BUT THEY’RE
[-X i’m just an ordinary guy, worry about my self, scare of the dark, useless…
[ok, stop that]

gwe pikir begitu situs tdb kelar, maka depresi ini bakal
lenyap. tapi kemudian begitu ni situs kelar, that don’t change anything. gwe
tetep aja stress:-L  so what’s

the worst thing that, i saw people had the
same s**t as me. sometime i realized what’s happened,but smetime i
don’t. i’m goin’ crazy, heh? :(|)


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