
duh..(:| gwe ni knapa..? seminggu terakhir bawaanya M A L A S  B A N G E T …. pokoke bete dah. padahal banyak bgt neh kerjaan yg msti diberesin..[-( utang terbesar gwe tentu aja proyek balivision yg tak kunjung kelar :-L tiap kali mau buat tu proyek, kepala gwe lgsung putih bening tanpa ide, persis kaya kalo elo buka photoshop trus klik menu File > New Images…

Apa yg kurang ye? olahraga udah (nyuci baju gwe tuh, bejibun! x-(), keuangan membaik, paling tidak sekarang dah bisa bli nasi jinggo, kmaren2 khan makan mie rebus saban hari… kurang cakep kali ya ndro.. 😀

kmaren nonton last samurai, buset!!! KERENNNN!!!\:D/ plotnya sederhana so nontonnya ga usah pake otak kiri kanan, cukup otak kecil yg ada di dengkul elo. effect cool :x, adegan duelnya MANTAB!:peace: ga rugi gwe antre 2 jam… tinggal LOTR neh… 😀 smoga sehebat yg gwe bayangin.. smntara nunggu gwe mesti berjuang ngelawan rasa bosan ini, BETETETETETETETETETETETE…


masuk lage

masuk kantor lage setelah libur 2 minggu :p sayang gwe ga menikmati liburan, so many things to do, gebleknya, “things” itu semua buat orang laen, none buat gwe sendiri :(| 3 hari di buleleng, sehari di karangasem, sehari di kawinan, sehari jjs anterin orang.. wuah.. cape.. :(|

berita terbaru? aku punya compact flash 64 skr :* so jepret2 sampe 300 shots untuk resolusi 1024, seneng bgt euy, lewat sudah masa2 kegelapan kala hanya pake 8MB

berita laen? proyek tak kunjung gwe kerjain karena “sok sibuk”. paling baru hari ini gwe lanjut kerja lagi. maap ye.. hiks… 🙁 sementara itu gempa edan pada dini hari sempat membuat gwe loncat dari bobo, lgsung berlari ke halaman dimana udah ada belasan orang2 teriak2 histeris…:o ck.. ck.. di dps katanya cuma terasa 4 skala richter. :-B jadi segitu tuh yg namanya 4 skala richter. kalo skala asn, itu baru 1.8 😀

ok deh, mao kerja rodi dulu. 2 minggu libur semua kompie di kantor ancur. tapi malapetaka sebenernya adalah 2 orang yg incharge buat network en hardaware semuanya ga masuk. asnthegreat pun turun tangan membongkar semua komputer tanpa ada setitik niat pun untuk memasangnya kembali :peace:


lama banget

lama bgt ga ngisi :p terakhir tgl 4, so mgkin bulan ini cm posting 2 kali, soale ntar gwe mo LIBURRRRRRR panjang muahahaha :)).. ups..:o

ada ada dengan asn? ga ada pa2..:D kmaren2 cm ga tau mo nulis apa. dibilang busy, cman ada bbrp proyek cilik2 sekedar buat nambahin uang jajan [blackforest]. ntar liburan 2 minggu, smga bisa bikin kpala tambah kinclong [dalemnya]. met xmas buat yg rayain, met taon baru buat semuanya. peace :peace: —asn



I’ve seen matrix:revolution and you know what? Wachowski bros emang sableng edan buduh sinting!!! X-( ga sangka endingnya bgtu. So matrix is just a GAME. semua udah terprogram. Even neo, yg ternyata ga 100% pure human. Sejak ktemu arsitek jd bisa stop sentinel kaya pak polisi mau nilang :p

Smith Flying like SonGoKuini pula, teori “matrix inside matrix” jadi basi. Zion is zion, matrix is matrix. Dunia nyata emang ada, tapi tetep percuma karena mesin mampu menghack otak manusia even di dunia nyata. Smith nge-hack Bane adalah clue dari misteri ini. Kalo smith bisa nge-hack otak Bane, it’s absolutely sure that Machine could hack the Neo’s Brain. This explain why he could stop sentinel, because machine could communicate (harm) each other by electric pulse

Masih perlu bukti? Neo is blind but he could see anything including machine city in Orange ‘Aura’. Wachowski may want to tell the audience: “hey, this is the way machine SEE each other” not like human which have the eye with the resolution of 11.000 x 11.000 pixels en much more than 16.000.000 colors

Ada lagi. Smith tiba2 merasa ketakutan di akhir cerita sesaat sebelum “mencoblos” neo. “NO.. THIS IS A TRICK!!”, he said. Yeah, dude, matrix is all a trick. Everything inside matrix have been programmed. Choice is a illusion. When you made a choice, you actually didn’t make it, but it was just FOLLOW what machine want.

Ngga percaya? Let’s get back to the beginning. Sejak awal Neo slalu ngkutin oracle. It seem that neo made a choice but actually he’s NOT. He just always follow what Oracle said. that’s the KEY!!. Go here, go there.. meet this man, meet keymaker, meet this… so son.

Oracle is not a GOD but why she could make a prophecy? prophecy is bullshit! she’s a program, and what we call a PROPHECY is just a calculation end complex prediction of every action. She know what would happened because the subject (neo and the other fools) accepted the choice given.

Deus EX Machina - Matrix revolutions
Adegan favorite gwe, keren…

God Damn Matrix
God Damn Matrix

Machine City
Machine City

The ending? Matrix is restarted (Reloaded?) Everything back to the beginning. Neo is the 6th version of “the one”. There will be a peace :peace: and no war, maybe just for 100-200 years. After that, “the one” version 7th would born, start the Zion rebelion again, fighting again, and then everything would REPEAT once again. So on…

When will matrix ends?
Who knows…?

Gwe ga tau, apakah ada yg akan mengerti penjelasan gwe diatas. Ntah knapa, gwe lebih enak menjelaskannya in English.. Explain something in Indonesia sometime so hard. But sorry, my english is “Kuta English” No grammer, no rule.. he he he.. :p

OK, at least I knew the ending. Effect was so coolll!!!. I like the voice of Deus EX Machina, the machine ruler. Godamn COOL!!! Neo vs Smith reminds me to Dragon Ball Fighting. That’s All


Buat para fans matrix, read this maniac site: hackthematrix, matrix theories, and juga beberapa hal penting dari Matrix Reloaded untuk membuktikan kebenaran Teori ASN dibawah ini. WARNING: HANYA UNTUK PENGGMAR MATRIX!!!


The Oracle: …you didn’t come here to make the choice, you’ve already made it
The Oracle: No. You’ve already made the choice, now you have to understand it.
Merovingian: ..You are here because you were sent here, you were told to come here and you obeyed…
Merovingian: ..the only real truth: causality. Action. Reaction. Cause and effect.
Merovingian: ..Choice is an illusion… the truth is we are completely out of control. Causality… Our only hope, our only peace is to understand it, to understand the `why’…
[asn: there’s no choice! there’s only a program with complex calculations and predictions]

Persephone: You love her. She loves you. It’s all over you both. A long time ago, I knew what that felt like. I want to remember it.
[asn: Merovingian and Persephone is the old version of Neo and Trinity, maybe the 1st version wwhile neo is the 6th version]

Merovingian: …You know, your predecessors had much more respect.
[asn: there were some neos [the one] before Mr. Thomas Anderson]

Merovingian: I have survived your predecessors, and I will survie you!
[asn: yeah dude, this is matrix scenario [program]. neo wouldn’t be able to kill merovingian]

Keymaker: I know because I must know. It’s my purpose. It’s the reason I’m here. Same reason we’re all here.
[asn: yeah, matrix placed him to make the scenario perfect. tanpa keymaker, emang neo bisa ketemu arsitek?!!]

Architect: You are the eventuallity of an anomaly… I have been unable to eliminate from what is otherwise a harmony of mathematical precision…
[asn: matrix can’t delete strange program/anomaly. That made the 1st version crash and merovingian + persephone still alive while the 2nd neo is dead, including Mr. anderson in the end of Matrix:Revolutions]

Architect: The Matrix is older than you know. I prefer counting from the emergence of one integral anomaly to the emergence of the next, in which case this is the 6th version.
[asn: Neo is the 6th version!!]

Architect: …an intuitive program, initially created to investigate certain aspects of the human psyche. If I am the father of the matrix, she would undoubtedly be its mother.
Architect: ..nearly 99% of all test subjects accepted the program, as long as they were given a choice..
[asn: the oracle, created to guide/control the one. kalo ga di-guide, neo bakal ngawur and matrix crash!]

Architect: You are here because Zion is about to be destroyed
Architect: ..this will be the sixth time we have destroyed it, and we have become exceedingly efficient at it
[asn: zion, walopun adanya dunia nyata, tetap termsuk dalam skenario matrix. itu mengapa zion ga benar2 ancur di akhir cerita, tapi emang  dibiarin]

Architect: There are two doors. The door to your right leads to the Source, and the salvation of Zion. The door to your left leads back to the Matrix, to her and to the end of your species. As you adequately put, the problem is choice. But we already know what you are going to do, don’t we?
[asn: there’s no choice!]

Neo: It was a lie, Morpheus. The prophecy was a lie. The One was never meant to end anything. It was all another system with control.
[asn: right! neo realized that]


ngantor @ lebaran

Kupat Leparanaku sndiri di ruangan ini. bedul ber-lebaran, made ntah bolos kmana…(:| ngantuk euy, kmaran pol2an ama geng edan. dado ke bali, so asn terlempar oleh mesin waktu ke masa lalu 😮 maen boling, maen bilyar, from cafe2cafe.. untung masi bisa pulang jam 1. cape…

btw, MET LEBARAN buat yg ngerayain. jg buat tangting gwe di kampung. sepi ga ada doi. njing.. :(( gw ngrasa hampa gini..? :-&

aku denger lagu2 netral en sheila. tumben… ntah knapa jd kgn ama lagu2 di masa menyedihkan ini.


it’s so hard to motivate urself. seiring waktu gw ngerasa makin malas ajah. THE STUPID LAZY SUPERMAN huhuhuuhu /:)


3 minggu

fiuh… hampir 3 minggu gwe ga
nulis… (:| kaco neh gwe, kalo dah ngerjain sesuatu trus keasikan, suka lupa ama yg laen. gwe lagi nge-build
bbrp sesi tdb yg blon kelar. bikin jurnal lumayan lama, padahal
perkiraan gwe semual paling juga sminggu rebes, eh.. nyatanya… nevermind, anggep
aja lembur :p


skr sbnernya dah rebes, tapi kondisinya itu loh.. kalo kaya
meja blon diamplas en diplitur. jadi
seh jadi, cuman asal online geto
smntara waktu. ntar deh plan2 gwe benahi lagi. ok, enough bout

lebaran dah deket.
sayang gwe tetep masuk. ni kantor mang edan tiada
. lebaran masuk euy… sekalian aja Nyepi tetep kerja,
pasti seru. blon pernah digebukin pecalang
ye..? :devil:

ok… itu kabar terakhir bout superman. smga para penggmar tidak harap2 cemas
lagi. SUPERMAN NOT DEAD… hanya
kecapean aja 😀 me fine… met
buat yg rayain, gwe bilang aja skr sapa tau ntar ga
smpet. ciao


13 november

quote by enda di milis kritik-iklan:

Gue juga mau ngasih peringatan buat sesama insan periklanan untuk
berhati-hati tanggal 13 november dimanapun kamu berada.Ini karena analisa psiko terorisme andalan yang menetapkan bahwa 13-11-2003
adalah hari yang berbahaya bagi para sejawat.

Pattern analysis:
WTC: 11-09-2001
Bali boming 12-10-2002

Dimana hari, bulan dan tahun, bertambah satu.
Jadi kalo akan ada kejadian lagi, akan terjadi pada tanggal:


Makanya hati-hatilah ya kawan.

Btw. jangan tanya kenapa Bom Marriott ga ikutan yah heheh.. 🙂

skr tgl 13 nov… so? :devil:


sport & partai

weh.. Golkar ama PDI bentrok dmana-mana. sedih euy, dulu bali khan ga panas kaya gini… (:| pemda juga seh geblek, blon start kampanye, bendera parpol membludak di-mana2.. pusing euy, palagi ada yg sampe dead…


schumacher juara lagi… dari sebulan lalu gwe lupa trus nulisnya :p padahal setaon lalu gwe ni Maniak MotoGP 😀 tapi sejak anTV berhenti nyiarin MotoGP, F1 jd hiburan satu2nya dan.. eh..? 😮 lama2 gwe jd ngebet bgt ama F1. seluruh seri taon ini gwe lahap abis, SERUUU!!!

versi gwe untuk seri 2003: interlagos paling ancurr, indianapolis paling dramatis, suzuka paling tegang, monaco paling boring,


kmaren milan menang 3-0 :p sayang gwe hanya melihat gol pertama, karena mata dah kiep2 (:| VIVA MILAN!! :peace:



fiuh… (:| melelahkan… gw baru aja selesai-in sesi bali explorer buat tdb. it took 3 days.. sukurlah hasilnya sesuai harapan gw, en gwe seneng hari ini. 🙂


barusan dipanggil bos, webnya disuruh nutup 😮 stlah adu argumen selama ‘hanya’ 2 jam, hasil akhir web kantr gwe cuma diberi label “under construction”. secara pribadi gwe sedih, web bagus dgn rankin tinggi di google kok ditutup? dari sisi kerjaan, me fine. aku dah berusaha jelasin apa yg menurut gwe bagus. tapi kalo akhirnya si bos bertahan dgn pendapatnya, it’s ok. he is the owner. me a staff. 😀


ok, aku lg banyak ide buat webku. smg hasilnya seperti yg gw harapin. see ya, all my fans 😀


what now?

hey.. what next..? i got a lot of things to tell but i just don’t know hot to start :-L it’s just like usual… yg pasti gw dah intrvw di 2 tempat yg gwe anggep bagus. and seem that i would lose them both…:( just wait en see

barusan bn mtrku pecah lage. what a pity… dikala krisis ekonomi bgn, ada aja.. (:| episode berikutnya, scene menggambarkan seorang pemuda 24taonan, ganteng tapi item, dekil tapi bersahaja sedang duduk nungguin pak tukang press ban di bawah terik matahari. swear jo’ yg ini terik bgt :(( gw sampe belindung di bawah spanduk2.. mengenaskan skali nasib tokoh utama kita ini… :((

lebih kacian pak bengkel. doi berpanas ria membenahi motor sang jagoan, karena desain interior bengkelnya yg 1×2 mtr hanya cukup buat nampung peralatan bengkelnya. bagian paling mengharukan dari cerita ini adalah ktika sang jagoan ‘hanya’ memberi 4000 perak 😮 untuk semua pengorbanan pak bengkel. “…cause we are.. live under the same sun..” kata scorpion. PUANAAASSSSSSS!!! :((

see ya in the next episode… =;
