Big green villa in Ubud –
dalam dunia dagang, proteksi harga dari kompetitor itu kadang perlu. tapi klo proteksinya over atau ga pada tempatnya, hasilnya bisa jadi konyol. sperti kejadian yg menimpa gw berikut ini.
kapan hari gw mampir ke salah satu toko kamera yg cukup populer di denpasar. niat awalnya nyari sebuah aksesoris kamera ga penting [fungsinya cuma sebagai pendongkrak rating supaya amatiran bisa tampak sedikit pro dalam hal penampilan :p] berhubung benda dimaksud stoknya lagi kosong, gw iseng mau nanya harga kamera idaman. biar ga rugi BBM gitu dateng ksana. motor gw khan pake bensin, bukan cendol.
eh knapa gw jadi pelit bgt urusan bensin sama toko ini?
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Annual Bali Art Festival held mostly at Art Centre, Denpasar
An ancient balinese village located approx. 5 kilometers from the Amlapura town. Similar to the famous Tenganan village, Bungaya is considered one of the original balinese society and culture that is still keeping the traditional way of life. Though we can say Bungaya is more like a “modernized” version
Nana & Fery pre wedding. Took place at the famous Art Centre and a random rice field somewhere on Denpasar area.
Night concert for students in Denpasar, starring the famous band JRocks and featuring a cool 80s style TolBandTol
Canon 1000D + EF-S 18-55
A beautiful hidden beach just near the famous Uluwatu Temple. Some people also called this place as Suluban Beach
Happy couple who is now officially married. Congratulations!
My first experience taking pictures of a couple in a full traditional balinese costume. So forgive the so-so result 😀