
server kantor gwe akhirnya balik lagi setelah 3 hari jebol ancur2an. tau neh server rese bgt. mana supportnya tiba2 sok menghilang, duh.. sebenernya gwe dah ampir didamprat si bos kalo aja tu web masi ga nongol sampe besok, but thanks god, i’s back!

lebih untung lagi karena semua setting and file2 gwe balik normal seperti sediakala, WOW! loe support kalo aja hari ini ga do something, udah gwe bombardir pake segepok imel lengkap dengan telor busuk…

dulu… seluruh dunia ini ga setuju dengan hubungan gwe ma tangting, skr seluruh isi planet, alam semesta beserta isinya turut angkat bicara: KITA GA SETUJU. wuih.. makin banyak aja yg menentang hubungan gwe. andai aja mrk ngerti seberapa berat gwe jalanin hari2 gwe brg tangting.

comment gwe, i just do’t care. we did nothing wrong. we were just 2 hearts and 2 brains who loves each other. we wish to end this story with our own way, not by stupid thought from human in the other planet and so other alliens…

btw, happy bday to rik, forgive me, even does’t have any cents to call you via wartel. what a poor boy…


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